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The OAuth 2.0 protocol framework defines a mechanism to allow a resource owner to delegate access to a protected resource for a client application.
This specification profiles the OAuth 2.0 protocol framework to increase baseline security, provide greater interoperability, and structure deployments in a manner specifically applicable, but not limited to consumer-to-government deployments in the Netherlands.
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This profile is based upon the international government assurance profile for OAuth 2.0 (iGov) [iGOV.OAuth2] as published by the OpenID Foundation ( It should be considered a fork of this profile as the iGov profile is geared more towards the American situtation and in the Netherlands we have to deal with an European Union context.
We have added the chapter Usecases to illustrate the specific usecase the iGov-NL profile is aimed at. Starting with chapter Introduction we follow the structure of the iGov profile. Where we do not use content from iGov we use strikethrough to indicate it is not part of iGov-NL. Where we have added more specific requirements for the Dutch situation this is indicated with iGov-NL tags.
In this use case a (public/governmental) service is offered via an API. The service will be consumed by the User using a client, that can be any arbitrary, non-trusted application. For provisioning the service, the service provider requires an identifier of the User. The identifier of the User can be either an arbitrary (self-registered) identifier or a formal identifier (citizen number or other restricted, registered ID). Upon service provisioning, the service uses the identifier of the User for access control within the service.
The service is provided by a public/governmental organization. Assumed is the Resource Server is known (by the Authorization Server) prior to actual authorization of the User. A Resource Server is assumed to posses a means for identification of the Resource Server and/or encrypted information, optionally by using a PKI certificate. Furthermore, a Resource Server is assumed to be provided over HTTP using TLS, other protocols are out of scope for this profile.
An Authorization Server is available, operated by either an independent trusted third-party or the service provider itself. Only a single Authorization Server is in use. The Authorization Server is trusted by the Resource Server. The Authorization Server can identify and authorize the User. In case the User has no direct relationship to the Authorization Server, it can forward the User to an IDP trusted by both the Authorization Server as well as the User. Alternatively, the Authorization Server can otherwise identify and authorize the User and is trusted by that User.
The User uses a client, which can be any arbitrary application decided upon by the User. Assumed is that the User trusts this client for interaction with the service. The authorization server has at least low trust in the client when the client is either public or semi-confidential. Assumptions is that the Client is aware of the specifications of the API and authorization is required. The Client is either using a user-agent, typically a browser, or the relevant parts are integrated into the Client application.
Note: Web-applications by default use the system-browser on a User's device as user-agent. Typically a native application ("mobile app") either starts a system browser as user-agent or uses an in-app browser. See RFC 8252 for more information on implementation of native applications.
A Client wishes to send a request to an API, on behalf of the User. The API requires to have a trusted identification and authorization of the User, before providing the Service. A Client has pre-registered with the Authorization Endpoint and has been assigned a client_id.
The normal flow, that is without any error handling, is described below.
As the client does not yet have a (valid) access token for this Service, it's first step is to obtain one. Therefor it sends an Authorization Request to the Authorization Server's Authorization Endpoint. It does so by redirecting / initiating the user-agent with the Authorization Request to the Authorization Endpoint. The Authorization request holds further details, as specified in this profile.
The user-agent sends the Authorization request to the Authorization Endpoint. The Authorization Server receives and validates the request.
The Authorization Server identifies the Resource Owner (often, but not necessarily, the User) and obtains authorization and consent from the Resource Owner for using the client to access the Service. The method and means for identification, as well as how to obtain authorization and consent from the Resource Owner for the request, are implementation specific and explicitly left out of scope of this profile. Note that if the User and Resource Owner are one and the same, the Autorization Server will have to authenticate the User in order to reliably identify the User as Resource Owner before obtaining the authorization and consent.
Note: applicable to the Authorization Code Flow only.
The Authorization Server redirects the user-agent back to the Client, with a Authorization Response.
This Authorization Response holds an Authorization Grant and is send to the redirect_uri
endpoint from the Authorization request.
Note: applicable to the Authorization Code Flow only. The Client receives the Authorization Response from the user-agent. Using the Authorization Grant from the response, the client sends a Token Request to the Authorization Server's token Endpoint. It does so using the Client authentication as pre-registered. The Authorization Server receives and validates the Token Request.
The Authorization Server responds to the client with an Access Token Response. This response contains an Access Token, specific to the requested authorization. The client receives and validates the Access Token and can use the Access Token to send requests to the Service API.
The Client can now send (a) request(s) to the Service, on behalf of its User. It does so by sending requests to the Resource Server, along with the Access Token. The Resource Server uses the Access Token for its access control decision and any customization of the service or data for the User, if applicable. The Resource Server responds based on these decisions to the Client. The Client can inform an interact with the User based on the information received from the Resource Server. The contents and protocol of the Resource Request and Resource Response are out of scope of this profile.
This document profiles the OAuth 2.0 web authorization framework for use in the context of securing web-facing application programming interfaces (APIs), particularly Representational State Transfer (RESTful) APIs. The OAuth 2.0 specifications accommodate a wide range of implementations with varying security and usability considerations, across different types of software clients. The OAuth 2.0 client, protected resource, and authorization server profiles defined in this document serve two purposes:
This OAuth profile is intended to be shared broadly, and has been greatly influenced by the [HEART OAuth2 Profile][HEART.OAuth2]. derived from the [iGov OAuth2 profile] [iGOV.OAuth2].
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [rfc2119] .
All uses of [JSON Web Signature (JWS)] [rfc7515] and [JSON Web Encryption (JWE)] [rfc7516] data structures in this specification utilize the JWS Compact Serialization or the JWE Compact Serialization; the JWS JSON Serialization and the JWE JSON Serialization are not used.
This specification uses the terms "Access Token", "Authorization Code", "Authorization Endpoint", "Authorization Grant", "Authorization Server", "Client", "Client Authentication", "Client Identifier", "Client Secret", "Grant Type", "Protected Resource", "Redirection URI", "Refresh Token", "Resource Owner", "Resource Server", "Response Type", and "Token Endpoint" defined by [OAuth 2.0] [rfc6749] , the terms "Claim Name", "Claim Value", and "JSON Web Token (JWT)" defined by [JSON Web Token (JWT)] [rfc7519] , and the terms defined by [OpenID Connect Core 1.0] [OpenID.Core] .
This specification defines requirements for the following components:
The specification also defines features for interaction between these components:
This profile is based upon the international government assurance profile for OAuth 2.0 (iGov) [iGOV.OAuth2] as published by the OpenID Foundation ( It should be considered a fork of this profile as the iGov profile is geared more towards the American situtation and in the Netherlands we have to deal with an European Union context.
When an iGoviGov-NL-compliant component is interacting with other iGoviGov-NL-compliant components, in any valid combination, all components MUST fully conform to the features and requirements of this specification. All interaction with non-iGoviGov-NL components is outside the scope of this specification.
An iGoviGov-NL-compliant OAuth 2.0 authorization server MUST support all features as described in this specification. A general-purpose authorization server MAY support additional features for use with non-iGoviGov-NL clients and protected resources.
An iGoviGov-NL-compliant OAuth 2.0 client MUST use all functions as described in this specification. A general-purpose client library MAY support additional features for use with non-iGov authorization servers and protected resources.
An iGoviGov-NL-compliant OAuth 2.0 protected resource MUST use all functions as described in this specification. A general-purpose protected resource library MAY support additional features for use with non-iGoviGov-NL authorization servers and clients.
The following profile descriptions give patterns of deployment for use in different types of client applications based on the OAuth grant type. Additional grant types, such as assertions, chained tokens, or other mechanisms, are out of scope of this profile and must be covered separately by appropriate profile documents.
This client type applies to clients that act on behalf of a particular resource owner and require delegation of that user’s authority to access the protected resource. Furthermore, these clients are capable of interacting with a separate web browser application to facilitate the resource owner's interaction with the authentication endpoint of the authorization server.
These clients MUST use the authorization code flow of OAuth 2 by sending the resource owner to the authorization endpoint to obtain authorization. The user MUST authenticate to the authorization endpoint. The user’s web browser is then redirected back to a URI hosted by the client service, from which the client can obtain an authorization code passed as a query parameter. The client then presents that authorization code along with its own credentials (private_key_jwt) to the authorization server's token endpoint to obtain an access token.
These clients MUST be associated with a unique public key, as described in Section 2.2 .
This client type MAY request and be issued a refresh token if the security parameters of the access request allow for it.
This client type applies to clients that act on behalf of a particular resource owner, such as an app on a mobile platform, and require delegation of that user's authority to access the protected resource. Furthermore, these clients are capable of interacting with a separate web browser application to facilitate the resource owner's interaction with the authentication endpoint of the authorization server. In particular, this client type runs natively on the resource owner's device, often leading to many identical instances of a piece of software operating in different environments and running simultaneously for different end users.
These clients MUST use the authorization code flow of OAuth 2 by sending the resource owner to the authorization endpoint to obtain authorization. The user MUST authenticate to the authorization endpoint. The user is then redirected back to a URI hosted by the client, from which the client can obtain an authorization code passed as a query parameter. The client then presents that authorization code along to the authorization server's token endpoint to obtain an access token.
Native clients MUST either:
Native applications using dynamic registration SHOULD generate a unique public and private key pair on the device and register that public key value with the authorization server. Alternatively, an authorization server MAY issue a public and private key pair to the client as part of the registration process. In such cases, the authorization server MUST discard its copy of the private key. Client credentials MUST NOT be shared among instances of client software.
Dynamically registered native applications MAY use PKCE.
Native applications not registering a separate public key for each instance are considered Public Clients, and MUST use [PKCE][[#rfc7636]] with the S256 code challenge mechanism. Public Clients do not authenticate with the Token Endpoint in any other way.
Direct Access Clients are out of scope in this version of iGov-NL.
This client type MUST NOT request or be issued a refresh token.
This profile applies to clients that connect directly to protected resources and do not act on behalf of a particular resource owner, such as those clients that facilitate bulk transfers.
These clients use the client credentials flow of OAuth 2 by sending a request to the token endpoint with the client's credentials and obtaining an access token in the response. Since this profile does not involve an authenticated user, this flow is appropriate only for trusted applications, such as those that would traditionally use a developer key. For example, a partner system that performs bulk data transfers between two systems would be considered a direct access client.
All clients MUST register with the authorization server. For client software that may be installed on multiple client instances, such as native applications or web application software, each client instance MAY receive a unique client identifier from the authorization server. Clients that share client identifiers are considered public clients.
Client registration MAY be completed by either static configuration (out-of-band, through an administrator, etc...) or dynamically.
Clients using the authorization code grant type MUST register their full redirect URIs. The Authorization Server MUST validate the redirect URI given by the client at the authorization endpoint using strict string comparison.
A client MUST protect the values passed back to its redirect URI by ensuring that the redirect URI is one of the following:
Clients MUST NOT allow the redirecting to the local domain.
Clients SHOULD NOT have multiple redirect URIs on different domains.
Clients MUST NOT forward values passed back to their redirect URIs to other arbitrary or user-provided URIs (a practice known as an "open redirector”).
Clients SHOULD send bearer tokens passed in the Authentication header as defined by [rfc6750] . Clients MAY use the form-parameter or query-parameter methods in [rfc6750] . Authorized requests MUST be made over TLS, and clients MUST validate the protected resource server's certificate.
An example of an OAuth-protected call to the OpenID Connect UserInfo endpoint, sending the token in the Authorization header, follows:
GET /userinfo HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0MTg3MDI0MTIsImF1ZCI6WyJjMWJjOD
Accept: text/plain, application/json, application/*+json, */*
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.2.3 (java 1.5)
Protected Resources grant access to clients if they present a valid access_token with the appropriate scope. Resource servers trust the authorization server to authenticate the end user and client appropriately for the importance, risk, and value level of the protected resource scope.
Protected resources that require a higher end-user authentication trust level to access certain resources MUST associate those resources with a unique scope.
Clients wishing access to these higher level resources MUST include the higher level scope in their authorization request to the authorization server.
Authorization servers MUST authenticate the end-user with the appropriate trust level before providing an authorization_code or associated access_token to the client.
Authorization servers MUST only grant access to higher level scope resources to clients that have permission to request these scope levels. Client authorization requests containing scopes that are outside their permisson MUST be rejected.
Authorization servers MAY set the expiry time (exp) of access_tokens associated with higher level resources to be shorter than access_tokens for less sensitive resources.
Authorization servers MAY allow a refresh_token issued at a higher level to be used to obtain an access_token for a lower level resource scope with an extended expiry time. The client MUST request both the higher level scope and lower level scope in the original authorization request. This allows clients to continue accessing lower level resources after the higher level resource access has expired -- without requiring an additonal user authentication/authorization.
For example: a resource server has resources classified as "public" and "sensitive". "Sensitive" resources require the user to perform a two-factor authentication, and those access grants are short-lived: 15 minutes. For a client to obtain access to both "public" and "sensitive" resources, it makes an authorization request to the authorization server with scope=public+sensitive. The authorization server authenticates the end-user as required to meet the required trust level (two-factor authentication or some approved equivalent) and issues an access_token for the "public" and "sensitive" scopes with an expiry time of 15mins, and a refresh_token for the "public" scope with an expiry time of 24 hrs. The client can access both "public" and "sensitive" resources for 15mins with the access_token. When the access_token expires, the client will NOT be able to access "public" or "sensitive" resources any longer as the access_token has expired, and must obtain a new access_token. The client makes a access grant request (as described in [OAuth 2.0] [rfc6749] section 6) with the refresh_token, and the reduced scope of just "public". The token endpoint validates the refresh_token, and issues a new access_token for just the "public" scopewith an expiry time set to 24hrs. An access grant request for a new access_token with the "sensitive" scope would be rejected, and require the client to get the end-user to re-authenticate/authorize the "sensitive" scope request.
In this manner, protected resources and authorization servers work together to meet risk tolerance levels for sensitive resources and end-user authentication.
GET /resource HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 4f626847-91b1-3417-a91e-c5627f377ae1
Accept: text/plain, application/json, application/*+json, */*
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.2.3 (java 1.5)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"sub": "248289761001",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"given_name": "Jane",
"family_name": "Doe",
"preferred_username": "j.doe",
"email": "",
"picture": ""
A protected resource MUST accept bearer tokens passed in the authorization header as described in [rfc6750] . A protected resource MAY also accept bearer tokens passed in the form parameter or query parameter methods.
A Protected Resource under this profile MUST NOT accept access tokens passed using the query parameter method.
A Protected Resource under this profile SHOULD verify if the client is the Authorized party (azp) when client authentication is used. See section Advanced OAuth Security Options as well.
Protected resources MUST define and document which scopes are required for access to the resource.
The preceding portions of this OAuth profile provide a level of security adequate for a wide range of use cases, while still maintaining relative ease of implementation and usability for developers, system administrators, and end users. The following are some additional security measures that can be employed for use cases where elevated risks justify the use of additional controls at the expense of implementation effort and usability. This section also addresses future security capabilities, currently in the early draft stages, being added to the OAuth standard suite.
OAuth proof of possession tokens are currently defined in a set of drafts under active development in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) OAuth Working Group. While a bearer token can be used by anyone in possession of the token, a proof of possession token is bound to a particular symmetric or asymmetric key issued to, or already possessed by, the client. The association of the key to the token is also communicated to the protected resource; a variety of mechanisms for doing this are outlined in the draft [OAuth 2.0 Proof-of-Possession (PoP) Security Architecture] [I-D.ietf-oauth-pop-architecture] . When the client presents the token to the protected resource, it is also required to demonstrate possession of the corresponding key (e.g., by creating a cryptographic hash or signature of the request).
Proof of Possession tokens are somewhat analogous to the Security Assertion Markup Language's (SAML's) Holder-of-Key mechanism for binding assertions to user identities. Proof of possession could prevent a number of attacks on OAuth that entail the interception of access tokens by unauthorized parties. The attacker would need to obtain the legitimate client's cryptographic key along with the access token to gain access to protected resources. Additionally, portions of the HTTP request could be protected by the same signature used in presentation of the token. Proof of possession tokens may not provide all of the same protections as PKI authentication, but they are far less challenging to implement on a distributed scale.
Proof of possession can be implemented using various methods. An example of such an implementation is using TLS with mutual authentication, where the client is using a PKIoverheid certificate. The authorized party (azp
) can then be verified with the client certificate to match the authorized party.
As an alternative, the authorization server can include a cnf
parameter in the JWT by the authorization server, see [rfc7800]. The key referenced in cnf
can be validated using a form of client authentication, e.g. using an private_key_jwt.
All transactions MUST be protected in transit by TLS as described in [BCP195] .
In addition to the Best Current Practice for TLS, it is highly RECOMMENDED for all conforming implementations to incorporate the TLS guidelines from the Dutch NCSC into their implementations. If these guidelines are applied:
Authorization Servers SHOULD take into account device postures when dealing with native apps if possible. Device postures include characteristics such as a user's lock screen setting, or if the app has 'root access' (meaning the device OS may be compromised to gain additional privilages not intended by the vendor), or if there is a device attestation for the app for its validity. Specific policies or capabilities are outside the scope of this specification.
All clients MUST conform to applicable recommendations found in the Security Considerations sections of [rfc6749] and those found in the [OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considerations document] [rfc6819] .